Legal Structure and Contract Negotiation for Small Businesses Webinar
Did you miss our legal webinar with Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Elevate? Watch the recording!
Did you miss our legal webinar with Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Elevate? Watch the recording!
Allies for Community Business continues to serve as the Small Business Grant Program administrator.
A4CB funder, The Christopher Family Foundation, visited The Hatchery to learn more about our work with food and beverage entrepreneurs.
A4CB is incredibly thankful to receive a grant through the Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund.
¿Gusta un recorrido de la aplicación para la subvención B2B? Vea un resumen detallado de como llenar la aplicación.
Want a live walk-through of the B2B grant application? Watch A4CB CEO Brad McConnell closely review the application.
Did you miss our Becoming WBE and MBE Certified webinar? Watch the recording!
Allies for Community Business partners with the PepsiCo Foundation on the IMPACTO Hispanic Business Accelerator Program.
Read about the Back to Business Grant Program in Crain’s Chicago Business.
Vea la grabación de nuestro seminario web sobre el programa de subvenciones Back to Business.
Watch the recording of our Back to Business Grant Program Overview webinar.
Allies for Community Business serving as the Back to Business grant program administrator.